Inventors do not invent for financial gain, they invent simply because they love to invent.
— Kalyan C. KankanalaPatent Law cannot afford to sit and watch while technology advancement changes its dynamics.
— Kalyan C. KankanalaPatent Validity is a figment of legal interpretation, it can be contested, reversed and cancelled any time before expiry.
— Kalyan C. KankanalaPatents are not forever, but inventions are.
— Kalyan C. KankanalaInventions cannot be judged on patent parameters, but patents have the ability to take inventions very far.
— Kalyan C. KankanalaAbraham Lincoln said, Patents Add Fuel to the Fire of Genius. What the great man did not say is that Too Much Fuel Can Burn the Genius.
— Kalyan C. KankanalaA Patent is a Grant, but Inventorship is a Right.
— Kalyan C. KankanalaWorking a Patent is not as easy as it sounds.
— Kalyan C. KankanalaTo achieve patent commercialization success, every inventor must think like a business man.
— Kalyan C. KankanalaGrant is the beginning of the Patent Game, not its end.
— Kalyan C. Kankanala