What we call coincidences, accidental and remarkable events occurring at the same time, are actually circumstances and events that have come into your life to serve a purpose is to benefit you.
— Chris PrentissIf you can stop using substance or stop your addictive behavior for extended periods of time without craving, you are not dependent. You are dependent only if you can't stop without physical or psychological distress (you have unpleasant physical and/or psychological withdrawal symptoms) or if you stop and then relapse.
— Chris PrentissYou have chosen to exist, and more than just exist-- you've been chosen to share in the Universal consciousness.
— Chris PrentissHow do you think your body and mind would respond if you were surrounded by psychologists, psychiatrists, or drug and alcohol counselors who subscribed to the belief that 'once an alcoholic or addict, always an alcoholic or addict' and who believed that your current stay in rehab would be one of many?
— Chris PrentissIf you have experienced recurring situations in your life that are unpleasant, know that there is something you are supposed to be getting from those situations that you have not been getting and that the moment you get it, those situations will pass out of your life, not to return.
— Chris PrentissYou have enough courage to face even your greatest fear.
— Chris PrentissThe events that occur in my life are workout situations. They are there for my benefit so I can become strong and gain wisdom and information by working my way through those situations.
— Chris PrentissYou can take the entire world of physics with all of its macrocosm and microcosm, its quantum mechanics and nuclear physics and reduce it to one word: energy. It's all energy. Scientists say that if you can't measure it, weight it, or see it, it doesn't exist. Well, no one has ever seen energy. We can see its effects, but not 'it.
— Chris PrentissBy changing how you perceive things and how you act upon those perceptions, you will change your life.
— Chris PrentissPeople who are dependent are merely using alcohol as a crutch to get through the day. Yet doctors and scientists are still treating 'alcoholism' as if it is the problem, when it has nothing to do with the problem. They might as well be studying 'scratchism' for people who have a chronic itch.
— Chris Prentiss