Time falls on us, like rain, it falls like rain until we drown in it, and sometimes, it's like the drains overflow, and time just - pools up, it seeps, it gathers in the corners.

— Michael Montoure

...I have to admit that I've ... Always felt burdened by nostalgia, by a desire to stop time, to recapture things that have been lost. A sense that everything, absolutely everything, is on a journey from which there's no return.

— Natalia Sanmartín Fenollera

But no, what interested him, psychologically speaking, was the sense of continuity itself, the mind's insistence that this was the same Regan he'd known when he was eight; had anything befallen her, the Regan he lost would have been the one who'd perched on the black rocks of the park back then, with all her futures inside.

— Garth Risk Hallberg

Love, built on beauty, soon as beauty, dies.

— John Donne

Four days will quickly steep themselves in nightsFour nights will quickly dream away the time.

— William Shakespeare

Existence is governed by its own law. Here, the things impermanent by natureare bound to meet their end. Hence, with the passage of time, not only Ravana'sLanka but 'Krishna's' Dwarka also sinks.

— Deep Trivedi

Quartering the topmost branches of one of the tall trees, an invisible bird was striving to make the day seem shorter, exploring with a long-drawn note the solitude that pressed it on every side, but it received at once so unanimous an answer, so powerful a repercussion of silence and of immobility, that one felt it had arrested for all eternity the moment which it had been trying to make pass more quickly.

— Marcel Proust

Time is the most valuable currency so spend it wisely.

— Debasish Mridha

The future came and went in the mildly discouraging way that futures do.

— Neil Gaiman

You never know what’s going to be in the garden in June when you’re looking at it in January.

— Corey Ann Haydu