Are You a Parent or a Bully? Mentally and physically abusing your children is NOT okay. Real parenting does NOT consist of bullying your children, belittling your children, manipulating your children, beating your children, or cursing at your children. Children are a blessing! Many women can’t get pregnant and/or carry to term. Think about that! Parenting should be taken seriously. Children need LOVE, support, and guidance, NOT a bully! Children shouldn’t fear their parents. It’s important to create healthy relationships with your children, seriously.

— Stephanie Lahart

Appreciate youthful exuberance.

— Lailah Gifty Akita

We could see that our mothers blackmailed us with self-sacrifice, even if we did not know whether or not they might have been great opera stars or toasts of the town if they had not borne us. In our intractable moments we pointed out that we had not asked to be born, or even to go to an expensive school. We knew that they must have had motives of their own for what they did with us and to us. The notion of our parents' self-sacrifice filled us not with gratitude but with confusion and guilt. We wanted them to be happy yet they were sad and deprived and it was our fault.

— Germaine Greer

The upbringing based on criticizing the wrong and rejecting it since childhood is considered to be one of the factors that support the ability to choose the right choice based on correct criteria and overall vision.As much as the sons and daughters practiced this criticism against the mistakes they see in the community as much they will feel more self strength, and will be more able to control their emotions as long as they are convinced with their opinions, which will free them from any feeling of lacking and will avoid them from standing in the position of defending their own beliefs, but vice versa it will give them the ability to express their opinions in the social events which will influence the others, and that is a result that both parents should care to achieve.

— Maryam Abdullah Alnaymi

Let your child be the torch of truth and they shall shine over the entirety of the human society brightening even the darkest corners.

— Abhijit Naskar

A child of God, special possession.

— Lailah Gifty Akita

Remember the Creator in the days of your youth.

— Lailah Gifty Akita

Every child should be nurture with great love. The feeling of great love promotes wellness and potential for greatness.

— Lailah Gifty Akita

Having a kid is like an industrial revolution of the emotions. Suddenly you can mass produce worry, and guilt.

— S.K. Tremayne

It’s so easy and convenient to buy our children gifts, but I encourage and challenge you to give them gifts that TRULY matter! The gift of unconditional love. The gift of encouragement. The gift of support. The gift of friendship. The gift of communication, understanding, and patience. The gift of guidance and support. The gift of quality time. And the gift of loving them for who THEY are. Material things are nice, but NOTHING compares to genuine love! Parenting should be taking seriously.

— Stephanie Lahart