Hurry,' Hector urged, and his voice changed as his power surged, his tone and cadence sliding into the rhythm that said he was seeing the future. 'Battle is in the air. I smell it. I can almost touch it. Death is coming Death is coming for us.' With a click, the call disconnected.
— Linda HowardIf I was in Talon, I would be the one in charge, I'd be the one calling the shots. I wouldn't have to take pointless exams, listen to humans or worry that my every move was being watched. In Talon, dragons were the bosses, the presidents, the CEOs. If I was a part of the organization, no one would tell me what to do ever again.I would have to let some things go. I t might be painful, but in the end, it would be worth it. Sacrifice was necessary, but I would be free.
— Julie KagawaThe scent of the leather and the feel of the cold steel transported her back in time. “But Daddy, why can’t I have a sword and a scabbard? Dillon and Tynan have one and look, I can lift it above my head, too.” Kylah chuckled because she hadn’t lifted it above her head; she’d barely lifted the broadsword off the floor. But Cearnach was always supportive. He’d told her, “Someday, little one… someday you will be a great warrior just like your brothers.
— Brynn MyersYou’re just doing what you gotta do,” Sam assured me. “You can’t leave here, and you can’t have them worried. It’s not like you can say, “Hey, Mom and Dad, I was struck by lightning and now I’m a Valkyrie! Oh, and Odin’s my real dad, and the Norns are out to get me, but have no fear because my boyfriend is a wolf!
— Amanda CarlsonOnce outside, the man stopped, lifted his head, took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, as if the air smelled wonderful to him. Then he turned to Jimmy, his expression hard and serious. 'We will need an army.'Uh, I don't exactly have one of those handy.
— Linda HowardI'm calling the police,' she said, showing him the phone in her hand.He smiled, and for a moment she forgot about the phone. 'You don't need the police.'No, of course she didn't How silly.
— Linda HowardMy heart seemed to stop. Garret paused, as if gathering his thoughts, or his courage, then took a deep breath. “I know I’ve made mistakes,” he continued, shaking his head. “But there’s still the chance for me to fix them. I shouldn’t have walked out that night.” His brow creased, a flicker of pain and regret going through his eyes. “Ember, I know you can’t feel what I do,” he said. “I get that. But…I want to be with you. And if that’s not possible, I’ll be content just to be close. Fighting Talon with you and Riley, helping people, saving other dragons from the Order-there is nothing I want more. And nowhere else I want to be.
— Julie KagawaMorrigan moved across the room as if she were floating. “I will acknowledge your anger, Aerric, but only for a moment. The others will lead the charge against the fledglings, but I want you to track Liam and report back to me directly. How many Sluagh did you take out today?” I shook my head. “Five total, but with all due respect, Goddess, I am going to need a bit more of an explanation as to why the love of my life is lying here before me, alive and well, when she was supposed to have died two centuries ago.
— Brynn MyersChloe said the first thing that popped into her head., 'I don't sleep with dead guys...'Luca gave her an amused look. 'Good. I'm not dead. Never have been.... I'm immortal.
— Linda HowardI should tell you something about what happens after I play.'What's that?'He pulled her back into his arms. 'I get excited...
— Lisa Carlisle