Magic. It was worse than feline logic. Leave it to magic to re-fracture and re-herniate his vertebrae in the middle of a battle. A powerful sigh forced itself through the controlled exhale of his Ki breathing, decimating the thin slow line of smoke curling up from the incense. It reformed itself a moment later, right before Bruce’s eyes, and he glared at it with Batman’s most malevolent stare. What a metaphor. A few seconds’ disruption and all was set right again. That was magic’s attitude. No harm done. As if it was as simple as a few seconds’ paralysis.

— Chris Dee

Gloating is a superficial glowing, floating is an idle flowing, and bloatedness is the paralysis of blowing up; because silent movement results in loud victories.

— Criss Jami

Get out of your own way… stop the paralysis by analysis… decide what you want, create a simple plan, and get moving!

— Steve Maraboli

Fear is the paralyzing emotion that inhibits or restricts normal feelings of love, confidence, and well-being.

— Tim LaHaye

I lay there for three whole days, totally paralyzed. My friends helped me to the bathroom and anywhere else I needed to move; but I have very vague impressions of those days because it was a time of complete darkness for me. Somebody told me later that what I had was a form of hysteria: my body and my mid fled into paralysis. There was nothing wrong with me organically, but somewhere inside I suffered a complete breakdown.

— Diet Eman

The video was still playing, although I didn't know why. It seemed as if the able-bodied dancers were mocking me.

— Sarah Todd Hammer

Fear tells me that while there might be a host of people who wish to stand beside me in times of crisis, the tangled wreckage is sometimes so enormous that the best of their efforts leave them stranded at a great distance. And standing desperately alone surveying the carnage that holds all others a bay, God suddenly taps me on the shoulder, leans over and whispers, 'how about a little demolition?

— Craig D. Lounsbrough

As I sat up I turned my head to the side, but immediately straightened it again when I felt a sharp pain shoot through my neck.

— Jennifer Starzec

Dancing with a spinal cord injury is a challenge like no other, but I aspired to prove to myself that I could still be phenomenal dancer even with an SCI.

— Sarah Todd Hammer

I had learned quickly that life doesn't always go the way I want it to, and that's okay. I still plod on.

— Sarah Todd Hammer