Choice, is what presents us with a multitude of paths, because choice creates a flow of electrons through the brain in a manner that inexorably leads to quantum superposition, and the many-worlds that are the inevitable result.

— Kevin Michel

Parallel lines meet at infinity. Looking back from said point, do parallel lines ever not meet?

— RJ Clawson

The more we delve into quantum mechanics the stranger the world becomes; appreciating this strangeness of the world, whilst still operating in that which you now consider reality, will be the foundation for shifting the current trajectory of your life from ordinary to extraordinary. It is the Tao of mixing this cosmic weirdness with the practical and physical, which will allow you to move, moment by moment, through parallel worlds to achieve your dreams.

— Kevin Michel

There's a need, too, for a special name in order to distinguish between this present world and the former world in which the police carried old-fashioned revolvers. ... 1Q84 - that's what I'll call this new world. Q is for 'question mark'. A world that bears a question.

— Haruki Murakami

In the 'Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics,' the trajectory of your life is no longer just one straight path to an eventuality, but is instead one path of many, on an ever-branching tree of possibilities.

— Kevin Michel

The 'Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics' speaks to possibility and it speaks to opportunity. By appreciating its existence and adopting the paradigm of its existence, we start to realize that our future has infinite potentiality, and we realize that the 'Ideal Parallel World' of our dreams already exists along one path of our potential future; therefore our behaviors in the present can guide us to that 'Ideal Parallel World.

— Kevin Michel

I don’t share your luxury. I believe in karma. I make karma happen. I rain down karma on my enemies.”“We are the progeny of ancient myths, so we attempt to write our own.”“I see the killing fields of the innocents crying out for justice while we hold our ranks.”“You have ventured into deep waters, leaving your wading pool of shallow pragmatism.”“Divine intervention is not without its own pain.”“When all seems lost, don’t confuse this with the end, rather this is the beginning.”“Your redemption is at the gate of your conscience. You have been granted the power of a choice.”“What say you, image bearer? Have you come to save us?

— Todd D. Boddy

If you believe that you are NOT omnipresent, omniscient and ultimately omnipotent – you are delusional. If you believe that you are separate from that which you call God, then you are living a lie.

— Kevin Michel