Life is beautiful mess...And I am tangled...Though I am the spider but a stupid one. Cheap I am by name, views and actions.

— Anum Aforz

Ruby clapped her hands in glee and gave a comedic wiggle of her head, Bollywood style.I know the song now, can even sing it, but back then all I heard was the verdant Punjabi, the striking primary colours of the five rivers, the intricate history of a complex land.

— Ruth Ahmed

Five words that were the hardest words I would ever have to say,Five pillars of my faith that couldn't save him that day.Five rivers, the Panj Aab, that didn't flow through his veins.Five minutes that changed our world forever.

— Ruth Ahmed

The drugs took over and she fell asleep then.Only her face was visible, the medical equipment acting as some hideous hijab for her.

— Ruth Ahmed