May you have all the pleasure you've always craved. Nay, may you drown in it!

— Ahmed Mostafa

In 1988, a cave explorer named Véronique Le Guen volunteered for an extreme experiment: to live alone in an underground cavern in southern France without a clock for one hundred and eleven days, monitored by scientists who wished to study the human body's natural rhythms in the absence of time cues. For a while, she settled into a pattern of thirty hours awake and twenty hours asleep. She described herself as being 'psychologically completely out of phase, where I no longer know what my values are or what is my purpose in life.'When she returned to society, her husband later noted, she seemed to have an emptiness inside her that she was unable to fully express. 'While I was alone in my cave I was my own judge,' she said. 'You are your own most severe judge. You must never lie or all is lost. The strongest sentiment I brought out of the cave is that in my life I will never tolerate lying.' A little more than a year later, Le Guen swallowed an overdose of barbiturates and lay down in her car in Paris, a suicide at age thirty-three.

— Michael Finkel

It was soon after that I, overwhelmed with the implications of that memory, overdosed - well, somebody did but as it was my mouth and my stomach that was involved I had to take the consequences. Somehow or other (did an alter ring him?) Bruce (from my support group) got to know, drove over and took us to the hospital.

— Carolyn Bramhall

Unreason is an essential medicine as long as you do not overdose.

— Dean Koontz

There have been times I've felt so much art in my soul I grew sick of artists.

— Criss Jami

So that's it. That's the big secret. I tried to kill myself on New Year's eve. Just like Sadie did last night. Only she really did it. I don't know all the detatils, just the basics. She took a bunch of pills. I don't know what they were or where she got them. I'd like to think they were Wonder Drug. Then at least she could have gone thinking she was flying.

— Michael Thomas Ford