The outcome is not up to you. The outlook is.
— Germany KentG. I. Gurdieff, 'Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson'So-and-so-and-so-must-be; do-not-do-what-must-not-be. Mullah's favorite saying. P. 598.
— GurdieffLife can seem like a gloomy wait in the thick of black shadows.And still there are those who smile at the darkness, anticipating the beauty of an eventual sunrise.
— Richelle E. GoodrichGood' now is better than 'Best' never.
— Phillip Gary SmithLike the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine.
— Gautama Buddha. . . Crazy world or maybe it's just the view we have of it, looking through a crack in the door, never being able to see the whole room, the whole picture.
— Judith GuestWhen thunderstorms roll in, you make a choice to either succumb with tears to the gloomy downpour, or smile and look for rainbows.
— Richelle E. GoodrichMy destination is no longer a place, rather a new way of seeing.
— Marcel Proust...I try to incorporate life's lessons from everyone around me and pay it forward anytime I can. I look at every person I meet as a new and thrilling experience with which I'm gifted. Every new city or country or continent that I visit is a beautiful exploration from which I can learn. Every new client or project represents the possibility of meeting new people and having new adventures.
— Andrea MichaelsPerspective alone can make an experience positive or negative, but regardless of which you let it become, it can only have as much power over your outlook on life as you give it.
— A.J. Darkholme