As you search for a person, place, or thing, be prepared to continue your quest, should the end result not yield your desired outcome. Enjoy the process and you’ll avoid disappointment…!
— James A. MurphyDear my brothers there is no more room for wanting to be a thug, BUT there is PLENTY of room for being a father, lawyer, doctor and a teacher. Please take this in consideration!
— Surgeo BellA traitor leader is the outcome of a fool nation.
— M.F. MoonzajerIt is the length of the journey that ripens the joy of the outcome.
— Craig D. LounsbroughThe only way we can eliminate despots in this world, is not to be peaceful about it, for that has been the case for many people that has caused the upheaval of such tyranny, nor we should turn the other way, but we must take appropriate actions to eliminate the thriving forces of such darkness in our world.
— ELW-Reta BarnesThe human mind has a tendency to observe unsystematic events and assign a pattern to the results. A habitual risk-taker reorganizes the stream of random events and retrospectively attributes the outcome of indiscriminate trials to their own gambling “strategies.” We often hear people say that they are lucky or unlucky, when in actuality they can claim no ownership in the occurrence of chaotic outcomes. A false sense of the existence of luck can cause people to discount the value of their actual effort, skill, and training.
— Kilroy J. OldsterThe human mind has a tendency to observe unsystematic events and assign a pattern to the results. A habitual risk-taker reorganizes the stream of random events and retrospectively attributes the outcome of indiscriminate trials to their own gambling “strategies.” We often hear people say that they are lucky or unlucky, when in actuality they can claim no ownership in the occurrence of chaotic outcomes. A false sense of the existence of luck can cause people to discount the value of their actual effort, skill, and training.
— Kilroy J. OldsterAs much as I had always longed to be freed of my duties and obligations, being released from such bonds was as much a severing as an emancipation.
— Robin HobbYou'll never know the the outcome unless you just go out there and just do it.
— Jonathan Anthony BurkettThe worst outcome of not trying is never getting to fail.
— Phillip Gary Smith