Never become proud within yourself when you are seen as the one to cause that great effect. Never become timid if you know you can while others dare to prove otherwise! Mind your business and make the strike.
— Israelmore AyivorHalf-Lieutenant Marsh’k Kluss’ta was not a happy man. Naturally, that didn’t bother him as things were rarely otherwise. As the commanding sub-officer of the Black Sunrise, happiness was not a state of mind expected of him, though in reality – our reality – he was probably not such a bad person. The crew, though terrified of him even under normal circumstances, believed that he had the heart of a little child. (Let’s leave it at that, shall we?).
— Christina EngelaAny necessary truth, whether a priori or a posteriori, could not have turned out otherwise.
— Saul KripkeDocumentary evidence says where there is smoke there is fire, be it holy smoke or otherwise.
— Christina EngelaSome folks are wise and some are otherwise.
— Tobias SmollettThey do not learn, fixed in their ways as they are. You are naïve tothink otherwise. It’s an illness, Assassin, for which there is but one cure.’‘You’re wrong. And that’s why you must be put to rest.’‘Am I not unlike those precious books you seek to save? A source of knowledgewith which you disagree? Yet you’re rather quick to steal my life.’‘A small sacrifice to save many. It is necessary.
— Oliver BowdenWisdom is great, but sometimes, those who think they are wiser than others can become the otherwise.
— Ernest Agyemang YeboahWhen interacting with corporate government agents, always assume that they are corrupt until proven otherwise.
— Steven Magee