Then, sometime during the fourth year, the omens will abandon you, because you've stopped listening to them.

— Paulo Coelho

Life knows what you want, and gives you exactly the same thing, at the moment. You attract exactly what you want in the moment. You have to remain present in the moment. If you are already lost in yourself, you can never understand the ways of life.

— Roshan Sharma

Survivors look back and see omens, messages they missed.They remember the tree that died, the gull that splattered onto the hood of the car.They live by symbols. They read meaning into the barrage of spam on the unused computer, the delete key that stops working, the imagined abandonment in the decision to replace it.

— Joan Didion

... It's a bad sign when someone drinks a lot and doesn't laugh.

— Andrés Neuman

He said that people who loved [animals] to excess were capable of the worst cruelties toward human beings. He said that dogs were not loyal but servile, that cats were opportunists and traitors, that peacocks were heralds of death, that macaws were simply decorative annoyances, that rabbits fomented greed, that monkeys carried the fever of lust, and that roosters were damned because they had been complicit in the three denials of Christ.

— Gabriel García Márquez

Sacred signs always come when your soul calls out in pain or joy.

— Lawren Leo

It is possibly worth mentioning at this point that Mr. Young thought that paparazzi was a kind of Italian linoleum.

— Terry Pratchett

The evening pulsed with omens gentle to the eyes, and Valentina had a romantic crush on it all, like every good witch should.

— Lawren Leo

The Indians did not like to see anything odd -- a white squirrel, for instance. . . . They thought such oddities were messages, were omens of evil. . . . And the Indians put a great deal of faith in dreams.

— Karen Joy Fowler

When you are open to living and trust the process of life and ready to face all your fears, and not afraid to go astray with life, life definitely comes and talk to you, in its own language.

— Roshan Sharma