A man protects his fish from rats by keeping it under a cat's watch. How wise!Another buys a gun for security reasons, but decides to kill a ghost with it. How smart!One prays to God for safety, as he climbs a palm tree with sewing thread. How intelligent!Man does not want the truth, and God does not want lies, yet there is no third option.One pretends to be rich, yet has nothing. That's pride. Another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth. Humility!Not all that glitters is gold, and not all gold glitters. Watch, with the eyes, and also with the heart.Just because all things are lawful, don't make them expedient. And because a thing is right doesn't mean it edifies.With Faith, Wisdom comes highly recommended!
— Olaotan FawehinmiSuccess, Bill Gates said, is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose.Same goes for good looking people. Beauty reduces the consciousness that it takes more to catch the heart of the right partner.We often think being good at one thing is all we need to succeed, but hey, success is less of what you are good at, but more of what you are good for.Of what use is beauty with no brains, culture without character, knowledge that does not impact, or skill that does not add value?For any seemingly 'good' thing to last, great attention we must pay to the unseen intrinsic component that sustains it.
— Olaotan FawehinmiIf there is “better”, then there is a “best”. If there is “half”, then there is a “complete”. Far more than being a “better half”, you can be a “best complete”; like a word/phrase that beautifies and gives meaning to a sentence when it is added.
— Olaotan FawehinmiWriting barely differs from Talking and Reading. It appoints your hand while they engage your mouth and eyes respectively. The trio need the mind to combine sensible words from a meaningful arrangement of the ‘simple’ A B C to Z.
— Olaotan FawehinmiCharacter is like 'Structural Integrity' in the field of engineering.A construction is believed to have structural integrity when it can withstand 'impact' from anywhere and anything, functioning adequately for its desired purposes and service life, until a physical collapse proves otherwise.'Integrity' springs from the original Latin root 'integrum', which means 'Intact'.A man has INTEGRITY when he remains INTACT, despite the IMPACT of forces that seek to sidetrack him.He will never confuse 'what is' with 'what ought to be', EVEN WHEN 'what is' will work in his favour.A man who will choose, not what the world forces his hands to choose, but what aligns with his destiny and will propel him to become what he is meant to become.Such men are few, such men should be me and you.
— Olaotan FawehinmiWe are made by the choices we make. We are defined, not by how or where we were born but what we make out of the 'where' and 'how'; not much of how we started but more of how we decide to end.
— Olaotan FawehinmiWhen you truly love someone, his/her weaknesses are not meant to be discussed with other people, they are meant to be understood by you.
— Olaotan FawehinmiLoving is giving and being loved is receiving. Loving should not depend on being loved, but to all intents andpurposes, your commitment in a relationship is grossly expressed by how much of yourself you share with your partner.
— Olaotan FawehinmiWhen that little clock on my wall says “Olaotan! Olaotan!! Olaotan!!! It’s half past time to write”, I only have three things at my disposal: A pen, A piece of paper, and a crowded mind.
— Olaotan FawehinmiLove ceases to be a Puzzle the Moment you find the Missing Piece.
— Olaotan Fawehinmi