If you realize that other people put you down because of their own insecurities, unhappiness and jealousy, you understand that there's no need to be offended. Because it's not really about you, but about them.
— Jeanette CoronWhen you look at what C.S. Lewis is saying, his message is so anti-life, so cruel, so unjust. The view that the Narnia books have for the material world is one of almost undisguised contempt. At one point, the old professor says, ‘It’s all in Plato’ — meaning that the physical world we see around us is the crude, shabby, imperfect, second-rate copy of something much better. I want to emphasize the simple physical truth of things, the absolute primacy of the material life, rather than the spiritual or the afte.
— Philip PullmanOf what use is a philosopher who doesn't hurt anybody's feelings?
— Diogenes of SinopeHow insane we are as humans when having received a nasty offense we return the same awful offense. If given an apple found to be rotten and wormy, would we not toss it aside rather than force a soul to eat it? Offenses should be discarded, not returned.
— Richelle E. GoodrichIt is a tragic and agonizing irony that instructions once delivered for the purpose of avoiding needless offense are now invoked in ways that needlessly offend, that words once meant to help draw people to the gospel now repel them.
— Rachel Held EvansForgiveness is freedom. Forgiveness is liberation. Forgiveness is a choice. If you forgive and forget you are free but, if you keep it, you shall always have it and it shall always rule and direct your heart, mind, body and spirit.
— Ernest Agyemang YeboahIt really should be a criminal offense for an electrician to mount a breaker box on a bedroom wall. Unfortunately, I see the solar industry mounting inverters on bedroom walls also!
— Steven MageeWhy spend your life working on defense when no defense can be made truly impenetrable? Take the offensive – learn the vulnerabilities of the world around you and be the change you wish to see rather than living in constant fear of what may happen to you instead.
— A.J. DarkholmeWhen you open your mouth, listeners are offended. When you close your mouth, the expectant are offended. If a person seeks misdoing from you they will find it regardless of whether or not you deliver.
— Richelle E. GoodrichHas society really become quite thin-skinned, or is acting “offended” a new tactic that is being used to shut down legitimate political debate? Progressives are increasingly claiming to be offended whenever those on the right disagree with their left-wing positions. It doesn't matter what the issue is; the left will divert a legitimate political debate into an accusation that the right disagrees with them because they are full of hate towards them.
— Rachel Alexander