The machines of this place are failing, and the woman and I are here all alone. The perpetual motion engine, as brilliant and beautiful as it is, is running down—nothing lasts forever. But before this little world falls out of the sky there still might be time enough for redemption. There is still time for me to say the words that I should have had the courage to say at the beginning.There is still time, perhaps, for one more miracle.Hello, Miranda.
— Dexter PalmerI feel there will be a time. A time when there will be no agony. I will never cry. There will come a time when my smile will be genuine. You will be able to tell. I feel there will come a time when the winds will carry all the wrinkles away when the rain will bring beauty with it when the sun shine will carry the birds my way. When the flowers will be welcome in this world. The pain I feel will not stay forever. Nothing will last. The good brought bad with it. I know the bad has already begun. What I know more is that the good is hidden in it. It is never gone. It will never go. And I will wait!
— Aleena YasinNothing lasts forever,' Richie repeated. He looked up at Bill, and Bill saw tears cut slowly through the dirt on Richie's cheeks.'Except maybe for love,' Ben said.'And desire,' Beverly said.
— Stephen KingThe magic fades too fastthe scent of summer never lasts the nights turn hollow and vast but nothing remains...Nothing lasts.
— Sanober KhanThe bad news is nothing lasts forever,The good news is nothing lasts forever.
— J. ColeMay you find what you are looking for and realize it is not the answer.
— Ahmed MostafaThen nothing became something, and I was born, and I wrought great havoc in the world in the time allotted to me, and I returned to nothingness.
— Bangambiki HabyarimanaNothing stays the same it all gets crushed. It all gets broken. It all passes with time. Only the moment you're in has any meaning.'There are things that stand the test of time, there are things that last. Like love.'Love theres nothing more fragile or ephereal.Love is like fire on a rainy day: you've got tospend all your time protecting it, feeding it, tending it because if you don't it goes out.'There are some loves that last.'No, what lasts is the pain that comes after love.
— Guillaume MussoThis is exactly the sort of thing that makes traveling wonderful for me, the reason I defied everyone. The two of us together like we have always been, not saying anything, not doing anything special, just on vacation. I know nothing lasts, but even when you know that things are just about over, sometimes you can run back and take a little bit more and no one will notice.
— Michael Zadoorian