In moments when you feel that life is unbearably heavy, surrender yourself to the circumstances for a while! When life hits you hard and makes you fall down, take a rest on the ground for a while! Momentaneous non-resistance will give you time to gather your strength!
— Mehmet Murat ildanNothing can resist a person who is nonresistant... When you overcome negative with positive...Hate with love... Evil with good. You've turn a loss to a win... You have become profound.
— Val UchenduYou integrate something by first of all accepting it. To resist any aspect of your past is to keep yourself fragmented, and to keep yourself fragmented is exactly what the built-in mechanisms of the negative beliefs in your unconscious mind are designed to do. To become whole within yourself, you must treat each and every experience that you have and ever will have as simply a stepping stone because there’s always a bigger picture. Something challenging may be happening to you right now, and you may have no conscious recognition or idea of why it’s happening, but let me assure you that you will know why one day. How many times have you said to yourself, “Wow, so that’s why it happened?” The issue isn’t really what’s going on in the present moment or what has happened back in the past, the issue is the way you’re defining or looking it….
— Craig KrishnaYou do not need to fabricate at all. Once you utterly let be, involvement in thoughts of past, present and future subside. By letting be, you are no longer involved in the thoughts of the three times. When utterly letting be, wakefulness is vividly present.
— Tulku UrgyenTrue happiness isn't a disruption-free life, its learning to recognize the ever-present contentment amidst the disruptions of life. Go with the flow(non-resistance), and when you struggle, remember to be compassionate with yourself...
— Maximus Freeman