Most people do not have a problem with you thinking for yourself, as long as your conclusions are the same as or at least compatible with their beliefs.

— Mokokoma Mokhonoana

The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

— Rob Siltanen

So distracting, so complete is she that she is gone before many realize that she had no escort, she was along, a parade of one.

— Jerry Spinelli

Some say that you should turn your face from the light of the moon. They say it makes you mad.I turn my face towards it and I laugh.Make me mad, I whisper. Go on, make Mina mad.I laugh again.Some people think that she's already mad, I think.

— David Almond

...There was alienation in the standing consciousness that his squareness would not fit the round hole that had been prepared for him.

— Thomas Hardy

At the age of four, you were an artist. And at seven, you were a poet.

— Seth Godin

I don't belong to the masses, I've been against the masses all my life, and I'm not in favour of dogs.

— Thomas Bernhard

We are the anarchists your parents warned you about.

— Suzy Kassem

It's in the morning, for most of us. It's that time, those few seconds when we're coming out of sleep but we're not really awake yet. For those few seconds we're something more primitive than what we are about to become. We have just slept the sleep of our most distant ancestors, and something of them and their world still clings to us. For those few moments we are unformed, uncivilized. We are not the people we know as ourselves, but creatures more in tune with a tree than a keyboard. We are untitled, unnamed, natural, suspended between was and will be, the tadpole before the frog, the worm before the butterfly. We are for a few brief moments, anything and everything we could be. And then...And then -- ah -- we open our eyes and the day is before us and ... We become ourselves.

— Jerry Spinelli

Any fool can do something cool and look cool, but it takes skill to make something uncool cool again.

— Criss Jami