Imagine, and it shall be.There are no limits.⁠⁠⁠⁠.

— Evelyn Skye

I shouldn't have lost my temper that way. It just pricks his pride, makes him dig in his heels.'So why did you?' I asked, genuinely curious. It was rare for Nikolai's emotions to get the best of him. 'I don't know,' he said, shredding the leaf. 'You got angry. I got angry. The room was too damn hot.'I don't think that's it.'Indigestion?' he offered.'It's because you actually care about what happens to this country,' I said. 'The throne is just a prize to Vasily, something he wants to squabble over like a favorite toy, You're not like that. You'll make a good king.'Nikolai froze. 'I…' For once, words seemed to have deserted him. Then a crooked, embarrassed smile crept across his face. It was a far cry from his usual self-assured grin. 'Thank you,' he said.I sighed as we resumed our pace. 'You're going to be insufferable now, aren't you?'Nikolai laughed. 'I'm already insufferable.

— Leigh Bardugo

In this world, people always find a way of doing what they want.

— Nikolai Gogol

Also, though not over-elderly, he was not over-young.

— Nikolai Gogol

I'll get them out and come back. I promise.'On your word as a cutthroat and a pirate?'He touched my cheek once, briefly. 'Privateer.'Another explosion rocked the grounds.'Let's go!' shouted Mal.As we sprinted into the tunnel, I glanced back and saw Nikolai silhouetted against the purple twilight. I wondered if I'd ever see him again.

— Leigh Bardugo

Unless a convention of anarchists visited the library yesterday, most books ought to be in their rightful places.

— Evelyn Skye

You are mine.' He spoke against her lips. 'You always have been. You always will be.

— Amanda Gray

I may not have been completely honest about that.'You? Less than truthful? I'm shocked, Nikolai. Shocked and horrified.

— Leigh Bardugo

It's always been this way. There were rumors about me even before I was born. It's why my mother never calls me Sobachka. She says it makes me sound like a mongrel.'My heart gave a little pang at that. I'd been called plenty of names growing up.'I like mongrels,' I said. 'They have cute floppy ears.'My ears are very dignified.

— Leigh Bardugo

I am fated to journey hand in hand with my strange heroes and to survey the surging immensity of life, to survey it through the laughter that all can see and through the tears unseen and unknown by anyone.

— Nikolai Gogol