The heart is never neutral.

— Shaftesbury

She was never neutral, but she could be tolerant, although it was hard work - never a tolerance of indifference.

— Mary Allsebrook

A truly living human being cannot remain neutral.

— Nadine Gordimer

Extreme right-wingers are known for giving God a bad name; extreme left-wingers are known for giving God a weak name. He's not as simple as conservative versus liberal, old versus new. His wings are balanced. God is both and neither.

— Criss Jami

Becoming thoughtless does not mean, non-existence of thought. It simply means reaching out to the absolute state of the consciousness which is free of thinking. All of us need a thought to allow universal consciousness to express itself through finite medium – but in the end – the expression itself is infinite, whether visible or invisible.

— Drunken Mystic

The cold neutrality of an impartial judge.

— Edmund Burke

A wise neuter joins with neither but uses both as his honest interest leads him.

— William Penn

A ‘caring’ judgment is still a judgment. And any form of judgment creates blocks and stagnation.

— Alaric Hutchinson

Whatever neutrality is, it is not very useful to anybody, and time is running out. If we do not do useful things whenever it is possible or necessary to do them, we shall soon be totally departed from the human scene, and forgotten, or remembered only for having disappeared. Armenians are too vital to be permitted to throw themselves away in neutrality, comfort, well-being, satisfaction, and so on and so forth.

— William Saroyan

I don't represent anyone's opinion. Not even my own. I'm neutral.

— Ljupka Cvetanova