I want to be in the water with you again, nani girl.' Her knees went weak and trembles raced down her spine. Beautiful girl had been a special nickname only he used.
— Robin BielmanYou're not horribly terrible.' He shook his head at her. 'You say the nicest things.' He held her gaze for a moment. 'You're not trying to get into my pants, are you?
— Dana MartonNo matter what her father wanted, no way was Clara going to partner up with Light Walker. He'd suggested a tarantula for a snack, for heaven's sake. The were never, ever, ever going to work together.
— Dana MartonHurry,' she breathed. 'I need you to fill me up.' 'Baby, I'm gonna do more than that.
— Robin BielmanMy date the next night brought a sock puppet with him. A. Sock. Puppet. And he talked to me with it'... 'It completely freaked me out,' Kalani continued. 'I made it through drinks and that was more than enough. I told the guy it was a good thing he had one good hand left because if this was his usual MO for dates, he was going to need it.
— Robin BielmanShe sighed. 'You're not without fault, but you're not rotten. Although you're very disorderly. You're pigheaded, cocky beyond bearing, arrogant.' She stopped when she realized she'd just said the same thing three times over. 'You have a troubling obsession with vigilante justice.' She cleared her throat. 'Well, I'm sure there are things you don't like about me.' 'You're not naked, and you're not under me.' His voice was thick with passion.
— Dana MartonBusted,' she said. 'You pretend to be all rough and tough, but on the inside you're a big softie.' 'I guarantee you there is nothing soft---.
— Robin BielmanFlash fire.' She turned her head as far as she could, trying to look at him. 'I don't know what that means.' He shifted on the branch. 'First time I was on a submarine, we had a flash fire. It's a combustion explosion. A flammable mist builds up in the air, then suddenly, bam. Think super high temperatures and a rapidly moving flame front. It kills by asphyxiation. Burns up all the available oxygen. It's devastating.
— Dana MartonHis voice still had the rasp of desire as he asked, 'If I disappear, will you come and find me?
— Dana MartonShe put her hands on her hips. 'You're not human.' 'Neither are you.' 'I beg your pardon?' 'Ethereal comes to mind.
— Robin Bielman