We are all one.

— Dana Petrovic

I have learned that the point of life's walk is not where or how far I move my feet but how I am moved in my heart.

— Anasazi Foundation

Maybe a holiday miracle will change Mearth’s awful behavior,” Mandy suggested with optimism.“The only holiday miracle around here is that Mearth hasn’t murdered us both yet,” said Alecto, lighting another cigarette, his hands shaking erratically. He looked exhausted and terrified, his gray eyes soulless.“Do you know what Mearth likes, Alecto?” Mandy questioned.“Vegetables, she likes celery a lot, and lettuce,” Alecto responded in a quiet monotone. “I don’t know what else she likes. I’ve never asked her.”“Well, she has to like something… doesn’t everyone?”“Not her, Mandy Valems.

— Rebecca McNutt

Some plant lips on Mother Earth in a display of gratitude.Meanwhile, she is kissing the soles of your feet, recognizing the one to be worshiped is you.

— Taylor Patton

The mother-earth may not like the way we preserve her...If any.

— Toba Beta

Mother Earth, one of my absolute favorite places......Where the sounds, the energy, the beauty and the Life pounds into your every fiber of being, letting you Know that you are alive. I will always respect and honor this gift of creation that we call our home.

— Peace Gypsy

Sentinels of treesbreathe life into bodies of earthly fleshAs their mighty arms reach to the starswe join in their quest for Helios’s mighty powerLike sentinels, we seek our placein the forest of nature’s gentle breath.

— Ramon Ravenswood

Would it surprise you to hear that man's unhappiness is due in large measure to the way he is seeking after happiness?

— Anasazi Foundation

When two brothers are busy fighting, an evil man can easily attack and rob their poor mother. Mankind should always stay united, standing shoulder to shoulder so evil can never cheat and divide them.

— Suzy Kassem

We have found that no modern prescriptions heal the human heart so fully or so well as the prescription of the Ancient Ones. 'To the hills,' they would say. To which we would add, 'To the trees, the valleys, and the streams, as well.' For there is a power in nature that man has ignored. And the result has been heartache and pain.

— Anasazi Foundation