The monsters in our valley were destroyed that day. Only a very few survived. But that was all right, because we didn't need monsters anymore. We had become them.
— K.A. ApplegateRushing out the door on his way back to the street, he ran into someone with his shoulder. Turning to apologize to them, he stopped, horrified at what he saw.It was the white-eyed man he’d met a week ago. “Watch your back.” He said standing there just long enough for Raven to take in the meat between his teeth, the milky, nearly opaque color of his eyes and the madness within them. Then, after only a few seconds, he was gone, vanished into the crowd as if he had never existed. Certain his mind was playing tricks and tired of being terrified for his sanity, he headed down the street as fast as he could in pursuit. As he rushed through the tightly packed crowd, he saw others like the man he’d just seen, and each of their white eyes gazed blankly into his. A woman here, a hunched drifter there, shapes and faces that shifted and darted all around him. “Watch your back.” They hissed, and he tried to move faster, his heart racing and the nerves of his body jangling painfully with fear as he fought to get beyond them. Hands reached out for his clothes, pulling him in different directions as they tugged and he struggled to be free. Their fingers felt like talons clasped into the folds and gaps of his clothing, ripping and popping stitches in their fervor to gain some small grasp on his flesh beneath his jacket. Along with the horror of their cold, dead eyes, he could smell some strangeness—a sickly sweet smell of rot and decay only barely closeted by preserving fluids. The smell dug into his sinuses as their fingers and hands dug at him. He gagged, his teeth clenched tight as he exerted energy he didn’t really have. He pushed away from them and on through the empty space he saw at the end of this group of pedestrians. Many of whom mingled with what he now felt must be the dead, wholly unaware of why he flailed and pushed against them.
— Amanda M. LyonsGod didn't create monsters. Monsters created themselves.
— Karina HalleMonsters were wild. Monsters were strong. Monsters were fierce and free.If I was monstrous...Perhaps it wasn't such a bad thing.
— Sarah DiemerYou are the monster I claim, mein Herr.
— S. Jae-JonesThere was a monster in me that had to be fed by success. There is a monster in us all that has to be fed by something.
— Chloe ThurlowYou don't get to become someone's hero unless you are already another's monster.
— Adhish MazumderThe demon blood inside me burned my soul to ashes long ago.I am a monster who once dreamed he was a man. Never mistakeme again.
— Carol OatesShe is so lovely she could kill you without you even noticing it. A monster girl who knows when to kiss and when to kill.
— Cameron JaceThere are no monsters in the dark.
— Victoria Schwab