I heard someone tried the monkeys-on-typewriters bit trying for the plays of W. Shakespeare, but all they got was the collected works of Francis Bacon.
— Bill HirstClaim whatever you want. Say you only want a happy family or a successful career or a big house. I say: no, that's not what you want. You'll settle for those things, but you really want a monkey that does your evil bidding. Pullman is a genius just for this.
— Maureen JohnsonThe monkeys, she explained, were considered reincarnated politicians, which made Rue laugh and the stick entirely understandable.
— Gail CarrigerMonkeys are superior to men in this: when a monkey looks into a mirror, he sees a monkey.
— Malcolm de ChazalIf monkey became a man, then a man can become a hero.
— Amit KalantriA gorilla does not budge from a banana thrown at it by a monkey.
— Suzy KassemHolden was starting to feel like they were all monkeys playing with a microwave. Push a button, a light comes on inside, so it’s a light. Push a different button and stick your hand inside, it burns you, so it’s a weapon. Learn to open and close the door, it’s a place to hide things. Never grasping what it actually did, and maybe not even having the framework necessary to figure it out. No monkey ever reheated a frozen burrito. So here the monkeys were, poking the shiny box and making guesses about what it did.
— James S.A. CoreyFor God’s sake, let us be mennot monkeys minding machinesor sitting with our tails curledwhile the machine amuses us, the radio or film or gramophone.Monkeys with a bland grin on our faces.
— D.H. LawrenceThey say that animals are incapable of feelings and reasoning. This is false. No living thing on earth is void of either. They also say that man is the most intelligent — and the most superior — species on earth. This is also false. It is very arrogant to assume that we are the most intelligent species when we keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. It has been shown that both rats and monkeys learn from making errors, yet we have not. Our history proves this. All creatures on earth have the capacity to love and grieve the same way we do. No life on the planet is more deserving than another. Those who think so, are the true savages.
— Suzy KassemMonkeys play by their sizes. Smaller tasks mostly come with smaller challenges. If you are willing to take step-by-step methods to solve bigger tasks, you will easily overcome challenges that attempt to stop you! Go, give a try!
— Israelmore Ayivor