A smartphone is an addictive device which traps a soul into a lifeless planet full of lives.
— Munia KhanIt is proper Netiquette to watch television online via native app when using mobile.
— David ChilesMobile’s reputation as the birthplace of Mardi Gras in North America does not rest solely on the fact that a few half-starved French colonists observed the pre-Lenten feasts here 300 years ago… In 1852, a group of Mobile 'Cowbellians' moved to New Orleans and formed the Krewe of Comus, which is now that larger city’s oldest and most secretive Carnival society.…All of Mobile’s parading societies throw Moon Pies along with beads and doubloons, providing sugary nourishment to the revelers lining the streets.The crowd is very regional, mostly coastal Alabamians. Everyone seems to know each other, and they are always honored and often extra hospitable when they learn that you traveled a long way just to visit *their* Carnival. Late into the evening, silk-gowned debutantes with their white-tie and tail clad escorts who’ve grown weary of their formal balls blend easily with the street crowds….
— Gary BridgmanAs participants in a mobile culture, our default is to move. God embraces our broken world, and I have no doubt that God can use our movement for good. But I am convinced that we lose something essential to our existence as creatures if we do not recognize our fundamental need for stability. Trees can be transplanted, often with magnificent results. But their default is to stay.
— Jonathan Wilson-HartgroveIt is proper #netiquette to be conservative in messages you send and liberal in messages you receive. NetworkEtiquette.Net.
— David ChilesSmartphones control us with assistance Netiquette provides guidelines for right and wrong. NetworkEtiquette.Net.
— David ChilesIn the age of technology there is constant access to vast amounts of information. The basket overflows; people get overwhelmed; the eye of the storm is not so much what goes on in the world, it is the confusion of how to think, feel, digest, and react to what goes on.
— Criss JamiYou know what we call pedestrians in Morganville? Mobile bloodbanks.
— Rachel CaineUse Secure Sites: It is proper netiquette to use secure websites whenever possible. NetworkEtiquette.Net.
— David ChilesLet’s create positive change on this planet; With either: the hyper sophisticated tools we have, or the mobile device we are.
— Natasha Tsakos