Shani Chalisa॥दोहा॥ Dohaजय-जय श्री शनिदेव प्रभु, सुनहु विनय महराज।करहुं कृपा हे रवि तनय, राखहु जन की लाज॥Shani Maharaj, glory to you with sincerity,Listen to my prayers I request humbly,Bestow your grace and protect me fully,Keep respect and honour of your devotees.- 341 -.
— Munindra Misra॥दोहा॥श्रीगुरु चरन सरोज रज, निज मनु मुकुरु सुधारि।बरनउँ रघुबर बिमल जसु, जो दायकु फल चारि॥DohaWith the dust of guru’s lotus feet having,I cleanse the mirror of my soul sparkling,Raghuvar’s spotless glory I be singing,The four fruits of life it ever is giving.- 303 -.
— Munindra MisraI as a Judge of the Supreme Court of America should not be emotional', said Chief Justice Earl Warren, 'but I must confess that though I have travelled all over the globe but never was I moved more emotionally than by the speech of the learned Advocate General of -Uttar Pradesh Mr. K.L. Misra today'.Sri Siddharth Shankar Ray, Advocate.
— Munindra MisraMoksha – the liberation form, the web of maya be,Freedom from the cycles of birth and death clearly;- 33 -.
— Munindra MisraIf Brahman an infinite ocean, then Atma a wave within be,Ocean not different from its waves, the waves as ocean be;They are but one and the same very similar in actuality,So Brahman and Atma are one and the same in reality.960.
— Munindra MisraWhen you lose reasoning you forget humanity,When you forget laughter you lose Divinity. Munindra Misra.
— Munindra Misraजयति महाकाली जयति, आद्य काली माताजय कराला वदने जयति, जगाता मातु विख्याताVictory to you, O Mahakali! - To you Victory,The primordial source of all beings - Victory!The formidable-looking goddess - To you Victory,Renowned as the mother of the world - Victory!
— Munindra MisraTo write about him is to write about Greatness. To discuss him is todiscuss Intellectual Brilliance. To think of him is to think of Modesty,Simplicity and Lucidity. To remember him is to remember Nationalism atits finest hour. He was not one of those who merely achieved greatnessnor certainly one of those upon whom greatness was thrust-he was infact born great.
— Munindra MisraThis prayer in praise of Lord Vishnu be,His incarnations graced earth constantly. शान्ताकारं भुजगशयनं पद्मनाभं सुरेशं विश्वाधारं गगनसदृश्यं मेघवर्णं शुभाङ्गम्।लक्ष्मीकान्तं कमलनयनं योगिभिर्ध्यानगम्यं वन्दे विष्णु भवभयहरं सर्वलोकैकनाथम्।I bow to Vishnu, Master of Universe unquestionably,Who rests on great serpent bed, peaceful perpetually,From His navel sprouts Lotus of Creative Power surely,He the Supreme Lord of cosmos undeniably does be.- 146 - He supports the entire universe and all-pervading be,He dark as clouds with beautiful Lakshmi form glowingly,He the lotus-eyed, whom yogis see by meditation only,He destroyer of `Samsar’ fear – the Lord of all `loks’ be.- 147 -.
— Munindra MisraFrom Brahma Puranब्राह्मीं च वैष्णवीं भद्रां, षड्-भुजां च चतुर्मुखीम्। त्रि-नेत्रां खड्ग-त्रिशूल-पद्म-चक्र-गदा-धराम्॥पीताम्बर-धरां देवीं, नानाऽलंकार-भूषिताम्। तेजः-पुञ्ज-धरीं श्रेष्ठां, ध्यायेद् बाल-कुमारिकाम्॥Meditate on youthful Brahmi* and Vaishnavi* surely,With six hands, four faces, three eyes gives safety,With sword, trident, lotus, wheel, globe, mace be,Greatest – yellow dressed, well decorated elegantly.
— Munindra Misra