A head began emerging out of the darkness. It had two large antennae growing out of its forehead, with nothing recognizable as eyes. A mouth in the middle of its face opened in what I hoped was a smile. At least there weren't any sharp teeth.
— Mary G. ThompsonGee, I wonder who you could be referring to?' Owen said. 'I mean you,' Erebus said. 'I just did not wish to be rude.' 'All you've been is rude.' Owen muttered just under a whisper. 'Some minds are more capable than others.' Erebus smiled at Hugh.
— Karen Ann WirtzAnd, to be true, an enemy's lair is an enemy's lair, no matter how comfortable or fancy it might appear.
— Steven J. CarrollAnd it is a strange thing about love... It is that it can take a strength that would seem otherwise insignificant and transform it into a hardly quenchable power.
— Steven J. CarrollIt is good practice to never fault someone for their birth name, being that it is always of far greater importance how men speak of you, than the name by which you are addressed.
— Steven J. CarrollI'd always known that when you went through one of these doors, you went to another planet, and that that other planet might be so far away, you couldn't fly there in spaceship in a million years. Somehow, the whole thing had never seemed strange before today.
— Mary G. Thompson