When the little mouse, which was loved as none other was in the mouse-world, got into a trap one night and with a shrill scream forfeited its life for the sight of the bacon, all the mice in the district, in their holes were overcome by trembling and shaking; with eyes blinking uncontrollably they gazed at each other one by one, while their tails scraped the ground busily and senselessly. Then they came out, hesitantly, pushing one another, all drawn towards the scene of death. There it lay, the dear little mouse, its neck caught in the deadly iron, the little pink legs drawn up, and now stiff the feeble body that would so well have deserved a scrap of bacon.The parents stood beside it and eyed their child's remains.
— Franz KafkaJill showed friend Kay the cute white mice.They liked to run races for cheese.Mice were lots of fun to play with.Jill said, 'Take Poopsie, the male one, please!
— Melinda K. TrotterMelisande lay in bed in the loft of her cottage in Graebrok Forest north of Odr. Wide awake and blinking in the dark, she listened to the mice above her head. Nearly a moon past, her swordsman had repaired a crack in the eaves before returning to the towers and yards of Merhafr, the great port on the Njorth Sea, where he served as a King’s Ranger. His name was Othin, taken from a god of wisdom, trickery and war. What such a one knew of carpentry, well, that was open to question. But he knew other things. Nice things.
— F.T. McKinstryWhy have your followers all drawn their swords, may I ask?' said Aslan.'May it please Your High Majesty,' said the second Mouse, whose name was Peepiceek, 'we are all waiting to cut off our own tails if our Chief must go without his. We will not bear the shame of wearing an honor which is denied to the High Mouse.'Ah!' roared Aslan. 'You have conquered me. You have great hearts. Not for the sake of your dignity, Reepicheep, but for the love that is between you and your people, and still more for the kindness your people showed me long ago when you ate away the cords that bound me on the Stone Table (and it was then, though you have long forgotten it, that you began to be Talking Mice), you shall have your tail again.
— C.S. LewisThe tall blue spruce trees surrounding the church stood like ancient prophets in white gowns and a peregrine falcon that had taken up residence in the belfry perched on a ledge keeping an eye out for wandering mice.
— Kathleen ValentineThe early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
— Willie NelsonI have a very bad relationship with mice.
— Casey AffleckWhy had he wanted to be rich, or to feel rich? Was he an unhappy mouse before? Didn't he see the King himself often looking sad? Was anyone completely happy?
— William SteigWhen the mouse laughs at the cat, there's a hole nearby.
— Nigerian ProverbAny cat may stare into a fire and see red mice play,.
— George R.R. Martin