She's been used to hiding her feelings for so long, no wonder her manner can be a little awkward.

— Sophie Kinsella

It's not the dying but the manner of it.

— Wilbur Smith

I am single because I am allergic for cursing words and bad table manners.

— Hiroko Sakai

One Crack On A Mirror Can Ruin The Beauty of It But Most Importantly, It Ruins The Reflection of The Individual, By Making It Twisted, Zigzag And Ugly. Character Is Like A Mirror. So Build Your Character In Such A Way That It Reflects All The Good In Others Who Follows You Or Treat You As An Idol....

— Muhammad Imran Hasan

The way in which the twists were entangled to knot up the mind-speech-body and the innate nature (relative self, prakruti), is the manner in which they will be untwisted.

— Dada Bhagwan

Do your damnedest in an ostentatious manner all the time.

— George S. Patton

Poetry is jealous of you tonight, for as soon as I come to pen a few words, your perfume attacks me in the most civilised manner and I forget myself. I forget the poem. I forget the ...

— Kamand Kojouri

I know nothing of being a wife, but I have learned much about the running and maintenance of an estate. It may be that you will find my manner too straightforward for your tastes, but, my lord, it is just that - my manner. Would that I die before I give up that part of me.

— Denise Domning

I didn't pretend to know Eli at all, but even so, I'd noticed that his manner was slightly hard to read. It was something in the way he talked that made it difficult to tell whether he was kidding or serious or what. This bothered me. Or intrigued me. Or both.

— Sarah Dessen

Even a wolf knows how to be polite when animalistic humans have no clue about politeness.

— Munia Khan