I may have been born into this world to be the Gwardian, but I was created for you, for us. You are the reason I exist, the reason I breathe. You are the light to my darkness, and without you I am lost forever.
— Madison Thorne GreyI also had a dim idea that if I walked the streets of New York by myself all night something of the city's mystery and magnificence might rub off on me at last. But I gave it up.
— Sylvia PlathHe put his wrists out in front, and as he spoke the words engraved on them, he turned his arms around slowly. 'Dum spiramus tuebimur, which in English reads: while we breath, we shall defend,' he told her.
— Madison Thorne GreyThere’s no better way to serve and nourish the magnificence in another person than to simply listen to them openheartedly and without judgment.
— Henry Kimsey-HouseIt is the restraint of patience that yields the magnificent in life.
— Craig D. LounsbroughSweet wine makes drunk, sour wine (insult) is 'tetelestai'. Life is not about what we have done and become, but how God to be fully glorified.
— indonesia123Big things in the glory of the world mean nothing. Small things in glory of God mean everything. Truly..., size doesn't matter in this world or in the world to come.
— indonesia123The view was in an unearthly way beautiful, but it was also unendurable. It implied too much.
— Robert Charles WilsonYesterday I was clever so I took the glory for me. Today HE makes me wise so I give the glory to HIM.
— indonesia123Beware ! Heart is too small to feel happy but soul is too big to take glory.
— indonesia123