I gave you my heart, but it wasn't enough.

— Simone Elkeles

Good,’ he said. ‘Cause Maggie’s all the nightmare I can take.’I smiled. ‘Gus, I never knew you dreamed of me.’He gave me a one-fingered salute.

— Jessica Shirvington

My wakeup call wasn’t some light switch of empowerment. From as early as preschool I feared that if I didn’t grow up to be the pretty princess men fawned over, I was a failure. That mentality was my disease. It got me raped. It made me feel dirty and devalued because my cherry wasn’t popped on a bed of rose petals. It fueled an adolescence juggling starvation and vomiting until my throat bled out and my stomach acid burned through the plumbing. It made me snort coke, smoke meth, and routinely gulp down narcotic petri dishes in hopes of obtaining hallucinogenic intimacy with junkie boyfriends. But most of all, it made me waste my youth chasing, obsessing over, fighting for, worshipping, clinging to, and crying over one after another loser. At some point, I just quit giving a fuck.

— Maggie Georgiana Young

Southerners have mastered picking, choosing, and rationalizing religious texts to fit their social agenda better than their own mother’s fried chicken recipe.

— Maggie Georgiana Young

Incarceration is when nobody writes a happy ending for a woman without a man.

— Maggie Georgiana Young

Why shouldn't I be introspective? We dont' make sense.'Neither do Chocolate and Peanut Butter, but it somehow works.' He says 'Somehow the mixture of two things is genius.

— Simone Elkeles

We were sexual targets, marked as eternal sluts for exploring the desires only acceptable in men.

— Maggie Georgiana Young

I was nothing but a failure. A fucked-up, broken shame.I was nothing but this emptiness. A shell ruined by fame.Don’t be afraid to shatter, baby, if that will set you free.I’ll find you in the pieces and that will unbreak me.

— Lexi Ryan

But as the girl timidly accosted him, he gave a convulsive movement and saved hisrespectability by a vigorous side-step. He did not risk it to save a soul. For how was he toknow that there was a soul before him that needed saving?

— Stephen Crane

Are you following me?' she asks, but doesn't meet my gaze.'Yeah,' I say.'Why?'I give her the only honest and true answer I have. 'You're where I want to be.

— Simone Elkeles