Love me!Hate me!I don't care which because either way,you're still talking about me!
— Anthony T. HincksMy attitude to you will always be the same no matter if you love me or hate me.
— Debasish MridhaPeople don't say what they mean very often. You have to read between the lines of their behavior, of what they say, to get to what they truly feel. That's what good literature is all about-- what Austen did better than anyone.
— M.C. FrankLove me only for my actions, and I will grow stressed. Love me only for my body, and I will grow paranoid. Love me only for my words, and I will grow bitter.Love me only for my soul, and I will grow.
— Vironika TugalevaGalileo, yet men turn around women!
— Ljupka CvetanovaI love you...', I said to myself and believed it. Finally.
— Karen A. BaquiranThe little I have, I share with you; the little you have, you also share with me. Together we all have a full share of everything. Share with me your Love as I share with you my Peace; together we have full share of Unity!
— Israelmore AyivorI believed that no man in this world deserves me until I met you.
— Luffina LourdurajLeave me alone', is not a good news! 'Let's be together' is not a bad news. We were made to be each others keepers. Let love lead.
— Israelmore AyivorCome to me.Why must you ruin this moment?You are burdened with thought.Burdened with the pastand expectations of the future.You are burdened with your self.Cast these aside by laughing at yourself.And love,for what more is there than to love me?Take me nowand let it be heaven for us.
— Kamand Kojouri