These are moments of love and ecstasy. Deeply moving moments when we will fly! Fly together in the azure blue sky!

— Avijeet Das

She says she loves me infinity power infinity power infinity into infinity! And I look at the sky, smile, and 'sigh!

— Avijeet Das

When you would be looking somewhere maybe standing near a window and looking outside, I will come slowly towards you. And first I will inhale your sublime fragrance that emanates from your soft and tender body. Then slowly inching towards you I would hug you from behind and take you in my arms.

— Avijeet Das

She blushed and I smiled when we saw the Magpie look at us while we kissed below the Acacia tree!

— Avijeet Das

Let's sleepyou on top of memy hands circling your waistyours holding my facemy legs entangled in yoursyours tenderly wrapped in minemy eyes staring longingly at yoursyours looking deeply into mineand we will keep searching for our footsteps in the sands of time...

— Avijeet Das

You don't wait for love to happen to you. You go out there and feel the breeze and sniff the air! The fragrance of love will come wafting towards you in no time!

— Avijeet Das

She texted me 'I love you.'I texted back 'I love you too.'She then texted me 'I love you more.'And I smiled reading her message and texted in reply 'No, I love you more.'Then she texted me 'I love you infinity power infinity power infinity into infinity.'I had no words to reply and smiled looking at her text!

— Avijeet Das

When I see you smile, I feel a volcano of lovely eruptions happening within my heart!

— Avijeet Das

And what did the North Star tell the Moon last night? He said 'I love you!

— Avijeet Das

While outside the window, the raindrops pitter pattered on leaves that shivered and sparkled, inside we made love for the first time!

— Avijeet Das