Her deep romantic nature prevented her from demanding, from asking for that quenching. She wanted it to come freely, like flowers that are sent and not requested.
— Sean FerrerOh, Mercédès, I have spoken your name with sighs of melancholy, with groans of pain and with the croak of despair. I have spoken it frozen with cold, huddled on the straw of my dungeon. I have spoken it raging with heat and rolling around on the stone floor of my prison. Mercédès, I must have my revenge, because for fourteen years I suffered, fourteen years I wept and cursed. Now, I say to you, Mercédès, I must have my revenge!
— Alexandre DumasShe spent the first half of her life alone. For the second half, she longed for a man of dignity to rescue her.
— Terry a O'NealI wished a companion to lie near me in the starlight, silent and not moving, but ever within touch. For there is a fellowship more quiet even than solitude, and which, rightly understood, is solitude made perfect.
— Robert Louis StevensonMy lips have touched more bottles than lovers and I'm half a shot away from psychotic.
— Denice EnvallI synonymously felt my heart beat rapaciously, the heart which was once void of anything alive and well. Now the heart was rasping and knocking on my ribcage as if it was demanding to come out, take its root and grow.
— Diyar HarrazLet's sleepyou on top of memy hands circling your waistyours holding my facemy legs entangled in yoursyours tenderly wrapped in mineyour eyes looking deeply into minemine staring longingly at yoursand we will keep searching for our footsteps in the sands of time...
— Avijeet DasIt does not matter if you`re 16 or 21, looking for love or finding the perfect guy is not something you need to be worried about. Love finds you when you are ready. Things come to you when you least expect them. So keep doing what you love and make it a point to smile everyday. Love is just around the corner. Trust the Universe.
— Vaishnavi HajariIf anyone controls your feelings, emotions, and thoughts—she or he controls you. Even if you are longing for love, think of yourself with love.
— Debasish MridhaShe didn’t care if the world thought she was pretty. All she wanted was that special someone to reach beyond the surface and discover her heart.
— Terry a O'Neal