Also guys, it would be awesome if you could upvote the information I've added letting everyone know that some of these quotes are fake and aren't real or cool things to spread around. :) Thanks Hiddlestoners!! ^_^.

— Tom Hiddleston

My body felt alive. I need more. 'Valkyrie,' Fen growled, eyes locked on my mouth. 'Put your lips back on mine, and I will give you what you crave.

— Amanda Carlson

Gods? Don't let that impress you. Anyone can be a god if they have enough worshippers. You don't even have to have powers anymore. In my time I've seen theatre gods, gladiator gods, even storyteller gods - you people see gods everywhere. Gives you an excuse for not thinking for yourselves.God is just a word. Like Fury. Like demon, Just words people use for things they don't understand. Reverse it and you get dog. It's just as appropriate.

— Joanne Harris

Fen looked mildly amused by my antics. In fact, he was just short of full-on laughing. 'Don't snicker at me, wolf. Being naked in your arms...' As I said those words out loud, a kernel of heat seared through me, heat that had nothing at all to do with the scalding temperature of the water. 'Well... Let's just say it surprised me, okay? I wasn't expecting to be ... Unclothed or ... Alive, for that matter.' 'Valkyrie, your nakedness does not bother me in the least.' Did his eyes just flare a teensy bit? 'It would've been counterproductive to heal you with your clothes on. What was left of them, anyway. I figured your life was worth more than your modesty.' His lips went up in a cocky grin. 'Plus, it kept me quite... Focused on my task.

— Amanda Carlson

My name is Phoebe Meadows.' I covered my nakedness again with my arms. 'I know it's a little late for this, since I'm currently lying butt naked in your arms, and you've already saved my life three times, but now is better than never. You can call me Phoebe if you like.

— Amanda Carlson

Those movies... Ridiculously inaccurate. The real gods of Asgard — Thor, Loki, Odin, and the rest — are much more powerful, much more terrifying than anything Hollywood could concoct.

— Rick Riordan

Every villian is a hero in his own mind.

— Tom Hiddleston

I don't care where I come from or who you are. I can make you happy, and you make me happy. We could have a happily ever after.

— Amanda Hocking

CA-CAW. CA-CAW. I shrieked and hit the floor. Okay, maybe I needed a little protecting. 'Use your spear, Ingrid!' I gestured wildly at the ornate weapon. 'That bird is not going back out that window without a fight. Hurry, before it pecks us to death!' Instead of impaling the flying beast with her spear, Ingrid chuckled warmly. 'Huggie, it's nice to see you again.'--- 'If they get to you before I can get you to the Valkyrie stronghold, you'll either be killed or tossed into one of the Nine Worlds quicker than you can say, 'Odin's my dad.

— Amanda Carlson

Well, that's history for you, folks. Unfair, untrue and for the most part written by folk who weren't even there.

— Joanne Harris