I've seen and swam and climbed and lived and driven and filmed. Should it all end tomorrow, I can definitely say there would be no regrets. I am very lucky, and I know it. I really have lived 5,000 times over.
— Benedict CumberbatchLife is not a game. Still, in this life, we choose the games we live to play.
— J.R. RimFuel your life with passion.
— Teresa CollinsAge is only a number. Maturity to a large extent is dependent on your exposure to life, its experiences and your lessons from them.
— Omoakhuana AnthoniaEach of us is impermanent wave of energy folded into the infinite cosmic order. Acknowledgement of the fundamental impermanence of ourselves unchains us from the strictures of living a terrestrial life stuck like a needle vacillating between the magnetic pull of endless desire and the terror of death. Once we achieve freedom from any craving and all desires and we are relieved of all titanic fears, we release ourselves from living in perpetual distress. Once we rid ourselves from any impulse to exist, we discover our true place in the universal order. The composition of our life filament is exactly right when we accept the notion of living and dying with equal stoicism.
— Kilroy J. OldsterWrite it as a dream, read it as a goal.
— Sakurai ShoThere is no time frame on living life, only the frame we place about ourselves to hinder our lives from living to its fullest.