Never judge a situation merely with a negative perspective. Look at the positive side too,” he added. “And if you do that, you will eventually feel better.

— Sara Naveed

What mattered to me most when I was batting was feeling comfortable. As long as I felt comfortable, it didn't matter where I was playing or who I was playing against. If you make technical adjustments to cope with different conditions, there's a risk of making yourself feel uncomfortable and of thinking too much about your technique. I've always felt that I've batted best when my mind has been at the bowler's end of pitch, not at my end. There's no time to think about both ends at the same time. So in general it always seemed to me that If I was comfortable with my gear, it would allow my mind to be at the opposite end and I had a better chance of playing well.

— Sachin Tendulkar

Don't miss the beauty behind otherwise your whole race will end up with wasting time running on trademill.

— Ankit Samrat

WheneverI look backTo the artOnce I cravedI wanna punchSquare in faceIf only I'm allowedTo do so...

— Irfa Rahat

Change for someone today and tomorrow you will hear them say, 'You are not the same.

— Akash Lakhotia

Your personal identity very much depends on the experience of the present moment and as the experience changes, your identity too change with it.

— Roshan Sharma

Human beings are the most successful of animals because of their capability to learn, and an abused animal learns very quickly to defend itself. It also learns very quickly to trust very few people - if any.

— Brad Thor

No one has the right to do wrong, even if wrong has been done to them.

— Viktor E. Frankl

There is a silent beauty hidden amongst pain, if you sit in it you may never find it; if you grow through it, You'll find the treasure.

— Nikki Rowe

The hardest lesson to learn, is one where someone takes away your freedom; with out your consent... You grow, you ache, the pain never eases you just become strong, And one day you will wake up & all of a sudden all the darkness that surrounded you now surrounds the doer of the bad deed. Why...Because you forgave them, your free now.

— Nikki Rowe