Anyway, Arianna and I left the castle very late one evening. I knew the knight on guard at the drawbridge so I hit hit him over the head because I didn't want to hurt him.Garion blinked.'I knew he'd be honor-bound to try to stop us,' Lelldorin explained. 'I didn't want to have to kill him, so I hit him over the head.'I suppose that makes sense,' Garion said dubiously.'Arianna's almost positive he won't die.'DIE?'I hit him just a little too hard, I think.

— David Eddings

The priest DID have it coming, though,' Lelldorin declared hotly.'What priest?'The priest of Chaldan at that little chapel who wouldn't marry us because Arianna couldn't give him a document proving she had her family's consent. He was very insulting.'Did you break anything?'A few of his teeth is about all-- and I stopped hitting him as soon as he agreed to perform the ceremony.

— David Eddings