Can the law get blood out of a stone? I haven't any money.
— W. Somerset MaughamIn a world in which the common rule which binds and regulates what the general masses feel is undermined, what the general masses feel tend to become the common rule.
— Ernest Agyemang YeboahMiltons were, on the whole, the most enthusiastic poet followers. A flick through the London telephone directory would yield about four thousand John Miltons, two thousand William Blakes, a thousand or so Samuel Colleridges, five hundred Percy Shelleys, the same of Wordsworth and Keats, and a handful of Drydens. Such mass name-changing could have problems in law enforcement. Following an incident in a pub where the assailant, victim, witness, landlord, arresting officer and judge had all been called Alfred Tennyson, a law had been passed compelling each namesake to carry a registration number tattooed behind the ear. It hadn't been well received--few really practical law-enforcement measures ever are.
— Jasper FfordeThe police are required to enforce the law in areas where they do not live, do not eat, do not go to the barbershop. They have no interaction with the people in that community except when they are called to resolve an issue. To bridge the gap we must establish relationships with the people and communities we serve. If we don’t we will continue to have biases that grow and fester and create deadly situations.
— Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.It is time to have real conversations. Even in high crime areas – everybody in that area is not committing crimes. Everybody on the police force is not corrupt. Just like everybody in the hospital is not sick. Everybody in the jailhouse is not an inmate. What America and the media have to stop doing is painting the picture with such a broad stroke. We have to begin to deal with each incident and each individual as that – an individual incident. Until then, we will continue to have the needless loss of lives and unnecessary force.
— Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.You can now interact with Sheriff Derrick Decker on Facebook. Just look up Derrick Decker!
— Laney SmithIt is the common peoples duty to police the police.
— Steven MageeLaw enforcement is hired to enforce the law. You call them in to deal with situations you cannot deal with or do not want to deal with. When they arrive – let them do their job. You know who you called them for before they got there. Enough said.
— Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.Domination is a relationship, not a condition; it depends on the participation of both parties. Hierarchical power is not just the gun in the policeman's hand; it is just as much the obedience of the ones who act as if it is always pointed at them. It is not just the government and the executives and the armed forces; it extends through society from top to bottom, an interlocking web of control and compliance. Sometimes all it takes to be complicit in the oppression of millions is to die of natural causes.
— CrimethInc.A protect-yourself-first-and-foremost idea has subverted the mission of law-enforcement officers, just as it may have degraded the military's.
— Ann Medlock