Unlike wealth, there is an infinite value in legacy.

— Criss Jami

My dad once said... 'Some friends are like 'rubber wrappers'; they bind with you safely but get weaker when you stretch them too much'. Treat your friends with care, else the elasticity of their love for you may not go lasting!

— Israelmore Ayivor

This StoneHe went looking for a roadthat doesn't lead to death.He went looking for that roadand found it.It was a stone road.He walked that roadthat doesn't lead to death.He walked on it awhilebefore he stopped,having turned to stone.Now he stands there on that roadthat doesn't lead to deathnot going anywhere.He can't dance.From his eyes stones fall.The rainbow people pass himcrossing that road, long-legged, light-stepping,going from the Four Housesto the dancing in the Five Houses.They pick up his tears.This stone is a tearfrom his eye, this stonegiven me on the mountainby one who died before my birth,this stone, this stone.

— Ursula K. Le Guin

All lasting business is built on friendship.

— Alfred A. Montapert

Just because it won't last doesn't mean it isn't worth something.

— Nina de Gramont

A lasting architecture has to have roots.

— I. M. Pei

This is what I know. Don't settle for 40, 50, or even 80 percent. A relationship-it shouldn't be too small or too tight or even a little scratchy. It shouldn't take up space in your closet out of guilty conscience or convenience or a moment of desire. Do you hear me? It shold be perfect for you. It should be lasting. Wait. Wait for 100 percent.

— Deb Caletti

The lasting physical and mental health effects of long term very high altitude exposure appear to be remarkably similar to daily heavy smoking.

— Steven Magee

The real and lasting victories are those of peace, and not of war.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

The most lasting and pure gladness comes to me from my gardens.

— Lillie Langtry