The joy of knowing a foreign language is inexpressible. I find it really difficult to express such joy in my mother tongue.

— Munia Khan

To bring relevance to people, you have to be able to speak their language effectively.

— Sunday Adelaja

Kitai blinked slowly. 'Why would you use the same word for these things? That is ridiculous.'We have a lot of words like that,' Tavi said. 'They can mean more than one thing.'That is stupid,' Kitai said. 'It is difficult enough to communicate without making it more complicated with words that mean more than one thing.

— Jim Butcher

My sincere thanks to friends and family, especially my mother, father, brother, and Mandy, who continue to love and support me despite my obsessions.

— Jonathan Ball

Facing a language you don't know is like returning to your infancy when your mother tongue used to be a foreign language to you.

— Munia Khan

The face of self-pity was universally understood.

— Vann Chow

Language is a tool for communicating and not a barrier to writing.

— Bernard Kelvin Clive