There is nothing more important than love. And no law higher.' - Malcolm Fade.
— Cassandra ClareHe could sleep in the ruins of cities lost for centuries.
— Cassandra ClareThe stars will go out before I forget you, Mark Blackthorn.
— Cassandra ClareThese pictures are my heart. And if my heart was a canvas, every square inch of it would be painted over with you.
— Cassandra ClareI have been in the land of Faerie for years and it is a place where mortal blood is turned to fire. It is a place of beauty and terror beyond what can be imagined here. I have ridden with the Wild Hunt. I have carved a clear path of freedom among the stars and outrun the wind. And no I am asked to walk upon the earth again.
— Cassandra ClareWhat do you mean 'has to be?' and what are you smiling at?' I stopped contributing to this ridiculous dance. I grabbed the teapot and began to fill it with water in the sink.Suddenly I felt the slight weight go this body against my back and the corner of his mouth brushed adjacent my ear.'How human you are,' he whispered.
— Jes DoryJulian had heard stories-whispers really-of other Shadowhunter children who thought or felt differently. Who had trouble focusing. Who claimed letters rearranged themselves on the page when they tried to read them. Who fell prey to dark sadnesses that seemed to have no reason, or fits of energy they couldn't control.Whispers were all there were, though, because the Clave hated to admit that Nephilim like that existed. They were disappeared into the 'dregs' portion of the Academy, trained to stay out of the way of other Shadowhunters. Sent to the far corners of the globe like shameful secrets to be hidden. There were no words to describe Shadowhunters whose minds were shaped differently, no real words to describe differences at all.Because if there were words, Julian thought, there would have to be acknowledgement. And there were things the Clave refused to acknowledge.
— Cassandra ClareAs long as there is love and memory, there is no true death,' - John Carstairs.
— Cassandra ClareThis cat is looking at me with judgment.”“He’s not,” said Jules. “That’s just his face.”“You look at me the same way,” Mark said, glancing at Julian. “Judgy face.
— Cassandra ClareI think everyone is strong and weak in different ways.
— Cassandra Clare