Who can know anybody?' said the bookshop owner. 'Every person is like thousands of books. New, reprinting, in stock, out of stock, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, rubbish. The lot. Different every day. One's lucky to be able to put his hand on the one that's wanted, let alone know it.
— Russell HobanSo, wonder! I also wonder about you,' said Cadfael mildly. 'Do you know any human creatures who are not strangers, one to another?
— Ellis PetersKnowledge is God, respect it to get respect.
— Chiranjit PaulThe problem would not exist if I asked beforehand. Hence, it is vital to ask honest questions (even if it sounds 'stupid') rather than making assumptions. Everybody makes mistakes; the good news is that everything can be fixed.
— Anna AgoncilloOnly a man of knowledge is capable of giving constructive criticism.
— Eraldo BanovacWhen you choose to look down on something, you render yourself incapable of understanding it.
— Stewart StaffordDare to seek knowledge.
— Lailah Gifty AkitaA person with a big ego usually knows very little.
— Eraldo BanovacTo know someone, we must experience him, and that knowing will not exceed our self-knowledge—we cannot know someone else to a greater depth than we know ourselves.
— Shepherd HoodwinYou think you know someone by looking at his face but what can one face say about the thousand thoughts behind those eyes.
— Marianne Wiggins