You cannot teach a person who knows everything.

— Debasish Mridha

Be careful not to appear obsessively intellectual. When intelligence fills up, it overflows a parody.

— Criss Jami

I pity the man who praises God only when things go his way.

— Criss Jami

I'd much rather hear someone's unique interpretation of their own experience. Those who negate or override someone else's experience in order to one-up them or to show off their own knowledge or perceived abilities are in truth showing off their lack of listening skills and wisdom.

— Tonya Sheridan

During the flames of controversy, opinions, mass disputes, conflict, and world news, sometimes the most precious, refreshing, peaceful words to hear amidst all the chaos are simply and humbly 'I don't know.

— Criss Jami

Truth is not fully explosive, but purely electric. You don't blow the world up with the truth; you shock it into motion.

— Criss Jami

Wise people do not claim to know it all, they always choose to learn from others.

— Gift Gugu Mona