RETURN TO TENDEROur aging parents deserve the same loving care they gave us in infancyKamil Ali.
— Kamil AliCOMPASSIONThe religion of atheists.
— Kamil AliSINK OR SWIM ALERTFolks with low self-esteem will push you under to save their drowning egosKamil Ali.
— Kamil AliGENESG raft of yourselfE endowmentN ew generationE volutionS urvival Kamil Ali.
— Kamil AliADVERSE REVERSEAdvanced technology has regressed us into warmongering apes with superior weaponsKamil Ali.
— Kamil AliSHOCK ABSORBERSVeterans scream in their dreams, reliving nightmares so that we can sleep peacefully.
— Kamil AliRELIGION OR COUNTRYOur allegiance may determine the fate of others.
— Kamil AliWHO WHAT WHERE WHY WHENPersonality redefines character through phases of wisdom at different ages.
— Kamil AliSOLVE BY RESOLVE -Use lessons learned from failed attempts to reinforce commitment.
— Kamil AliSUMMIT PLUMMETCeleb's conquest of a mountain, then jumping off, too exhausted to descendKamil Ali.
— Kamil Ali