The Kalambo River and Waterfall exemplify life and afterlife: From birth at its source, the river twists and turns to overcome hurdles on its way to enhance the life of others before falling off the edge in death to flow quietly into Lake Tanganyika, while it's mist rises to heaven, freed from the burden of the body of water that held it.

— Kamil Ali

RETURN TO TENDEROur aging parents deserve the same loving care they gave us in infancyKamil Ali.

— Kamil Ali

COMPASSIONThe religion of atheists.

— Kamil Ali

SINK OR SWIM ALERTFolks with low self-esteem will push you under to save their drowning egosKamil Ali.

— Kamil Ali

GENESG raft of yourselfE endowmentN ew generationE volutionS urvival Kamil Ali.

— Kamil Ali

ADVERSE REVERSEAdvanced technology has regressed us into warmongering apes with superior weaponsKamil Ali.

— Kamil Ali

SHOCK ABSORBERSVeterans scream in their dreams, reliving nightmares so that we can sleep peacefully.

— Kamil Ali

RELIGION OR COUNTRYOur allegiance may determine the fate of others.

— Kamil Ali

WHO WHAT WHERE WHY WHENPersonality redefines character through phases of wisdom at different ages.

— Kamil Ali

SOLVE BY RESOLVE -Use lessons learned from failed attempts to reinforce commitment.

— Kamil Ali