So many lights you’d think we were living in a constellation.

— Jodi Lynn Anderson

I think we carry home on our backs.

— Jodi Lynn Anderson

We don't know where Millie went, and we don't know if we'll see her again, but there's no reason not to hope. We don't know the answers, and maybe that's a nice thing.

— Jodi Lynn Anderson

Earth,' Alexa finally said. 'It's not that great anyway.' And they all smiled sadly. Because, of course, it was everything.

— Jodi Lynn Anderson

She did not believe he could have really gone, because for her, to leave the person you loved was impossible.

— Jodi Lynn Anderson

I think that's what you say when you can't have something you want, isn't it? You say you don't want it in the first place.

— Jodi Lynn Anderson

So many stars are popping out above us it seems you could almost dip your fingers up there and come out with a handful of stars.

— Jodi Lynn Anderson

I think the rest of the world is not as cold and lonely a place as you think. At least I have to hope.

— Jodi Lynn Anderson

The universe gets more disorderly all the time.

— Jodi Lynn Anderson

It never occurred to me before, but there could have easily been a world with no buses, no horns honking, no red lights, no shopping carts, no gum stick to the bottom of benches downtown. For that matter I guess there also could have been no sun, no trees, and no ocean. None of those things had to exist, I guess. It makes me feel lucky that they do.

— Jodi Lynn Anderson