Life has been full of evil, and if you don't start asking the right questions, the evil is going to be the end of you.

— Jessica Sorensen

It's what's buried deep inside that frightens me because it's broken, like a shattered mirror.

— Jessica Sorensen

I can do pain. That’s the easy part of life. It’s everything else, happiness, laughter, love, that’s fucking complicated.

— Jessica Sorensen

I take my time because I love how it feels to carry her, the way she needs me, the way I need to protect her.

— Jessica Sorensen

No one has ever needed me before because I’ve never let anyone that far in.

— Jessica Sorensen

At least tell me you won? And that the scratches and dings were totally worth it.' 'Of course. They're always worth it,' he says with a hidden meaning that only the two of us could ever understand.

— Jessica Sorensen

It isn't as important to feel great about all the things we do. But how we feel toward the end when we look back at everything we've done.

— Jessica Sorensen

Carry me away. To where I can breathe. To where my soul can thrive again. To where I can be free. To where I can live again. Give me life. The ability to span my wings. And fly. Not fall. I never want to fall again. So help me survive. Allow me to flourish. And then let me forgive. (tattoo inscription).

— Jessica Sorensen

I'm not scared of death, just tired. So fucking tired of being alive yet never fully breathing.

— Jessica Sorensen

To me, he is art, poetry for the eyes and heart. He is the most terrifyingly beautiful guy I have ever seen. And his scars have to tell a story...

— Jessica Sorensen