The enemy of my enemy may be my friend … of course the friend of my friend is often a jerk.

— Mark Lawrence

Wait!' he yelled.I didn't turn around, I walked faster. Then I heard him slam his fist on the hood of his car. I almost stopped.Maybe I would have if he'd followed me. But he didn't. He got in his car and he left, just like he said he would.

— Jenny Han

They'll say you are bador perhaps you are mador at least you should stay undercover.Your mind must be bareif you would dareto think you can love more than one lover.

— David Rovics

You are not my sunshine. Sorry. You're more like a gust of arctic wind that bursts in and blows out all the candles when the door cracks open.

— Richelle E. Goodrich

It is my sincere desire that my research and hard work will help create a world where we all learn to walk this Earth, safe, enlightened and free from the perils of cruelty, ignorance, and all the other dark and sinister forces, which make assholes possible.

— Alexei Maxim Russell

For the second time since meeting her, Echo looked as if I’d slapped her. Water pooled at the bottom edges of her eyes, her cheeks flushed red and she blinked rapidly. She’d succeeded in making me feel like a d*ck … again.

— Katie McGarry

My eyes meet his eyes.“You were a jerk,” I say.His hands move to my cheeks. “I’m sorry.”I pull away, but I can only go an inch before I bump into lacrosse sticks, not that I really want to go any farther. “Nope. No way. You do not get to kiss me yet.”He pouts.

— Carrie Jones

There's a difference between playing it cool and being a jerk.

— Auliq Ice

These days he was like a zombie, all grim business, just another jerk with an erection.

— Tom Perrotta

My father was gone. I went up to his suite, not to see him, but to figure out if he had been gone or left in a hurry. It looked like a tornado had visited so I assume he started packing as soon as he heard I was coming. I spit in his open underwear drawer. I know that’s nuts but I always try to leave a little something for the asshole on my visits.

— Monika Basile