One ‘Magic Formula’ is for you to become your own best friend and your own biggest critic SIMULTANEOUSLY.

— Shay Dawkins

Communicating to others WHAT YOU WANT will enable you to start ‘BUILDING YOUR TEAM’ to accomplish whatever goal you have made for yourself. The bigger the goal you make for yourself, the bigger and better TEAM you must BUILD to accomplish the goal. Have average goals? Create an average team or do it by yourself. Have CHAMPIONSHIP GOALS? Create a CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM. Want to be LEGENDARY? Create a LEGENDARY TEAM!

— Shay Dawkins

You should have a little “too much personality,” be a little “too focused” on your goals, be a little “too different,” be a little “too confident,” take “too many” chances, go after your dreams a little “too much,” be a little “too strong,” be a little “TOO RELENTLESS” in the PURSUIT of WHAT YOU WANT, and be a little “TOO PASSIONATE” about the LOVE you feel towards YOUR LIFE and your TEAMMATES so that YOU begin to FEEL a little “TOO ALIVE!” AYYYYYY!

— Shay Dawkins

No one is capable of loving and caring about YOU how you are capable of loving and caring about YOU. Thus, you must ‘First Love Yourself’ if you want to continuously become a better version of yourself.

— Shay Dawkins

If you don’t start going after WHAT YOU WANT, then you will NEVER GET WHAT YOU WANT! Do you want to be on your death bed wondering, ‘WHAT IF? WHAT IF I would’ve quit letting life pass me by and just went for it?!’ JUST GO FOR IT! LIVE ALL OUT!

— Shay Dawkins

Ask yourself, WHAT DO I WANT?” Ask yourself, how can I take a baby step towards my goal today? Have “a job” you don’t like? Change your perspective from it being “a job” into a “stepping stone” to accomplish WHAT YOU WANT! It’s no longer “a job” you do not enjoy. Now, you have TRANSFORMED “your job” into “a means to an end” that is SERVING YOU and WHAT YOU WANT! Allow everything you do both enjoyable and not so enjoyable to SERVE YOU for YOUR PURPOSE! -Shay Dawkins.

— Shay Dawkins

Love yourself' is not 'Lust yourself.

— Shay Dawkins

Communication is a major key to building any strong relationship, whether it is the relationship one has with oneself or with others. Sinful communication weakens yourself, weakens those you care about, and thus weakens your team.

— Shay Dawkins

If absence makes the heart grow fonder, then DO NOT be afraid to LEAVE someone who is messing with YOUR MOOD in a detrimental way.

— Shay Dawkins

You either WIN or you LEARN. Either way, you WIN!

— Shay Dawkins